Annual Review 2020

Highlighting the activities of Oxford University Innovation

Financial Report

Oxford University Innovation’s total revenue for the 12-month period from 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2020 totalled £30.8m.

In addition to the turnover of £24.9m, OUI received £5.8m from Oxford University for managing the Intellectual Property and Spinout Investment portfolio and associated services.

Results for 2019/20 show consistent year-on-year performance in both Licensing & Ventures income and Consulting Services income.

Income and Expenditure year to 31 July 2020 (£’000)


During the year, OUI activities returned £16.9m to researchers and the University. The 2019/20 profit will be part returned to Oxford University and part retained as reserves for investment in the 2020/21 financial year.

OUI activities returned £16.9m to researchers and the University and an additional £1.2m was returned to Oxford University through the gift aid covenant agreement.

Results for 2019 show consistent year on year performance in both licensing & ventures income and consulting services income.